Sketchbook 2018
I was watching an Australian TV show called "Rake." I noticed the striking art on the set walls and eventually identified it as Aboriginal. So I checked it out and was surprised to find the rest of the world was on to it, but it had slipped by me. The bird's eye perspectives struck me as very familiar. I love maps and charts. I was a navigator. I've searched for remote fishing waters aided by Google Earth satellite photos for years. A lot of the Aboriginal Australian images were much like the series of drawings I did of the Goose River in 2012. The songline images of the Aboriginals have influenced a lot of the drawings I've been doing lately. I hope to travel there in the fall of 2018, and get a closer look.
Pen and ink.
Pen, ink, and colored pencils. Then recreated and transformed digitally.
Christmas Card
Crow & Comet. Pen & Ink and then digitally altered. The repetative elements - crow tracks & dots are the kind of elements the Aboriginal artists use, but not the picture story so much.
Colored pen & ink original, then digitally altered. When does it stop being doodling?
Then built into American Flags.
Just circles and color.
And slices of bread.
From amber waves of grain.
Fields like rugs.
Bush Medicine
The Escape Pod
and ...